Have your say on Hunstanton housing plans

Have your say on Hunstanton housing plans

Hunstanton residents and other interested parties are being encouraged to attend an information and consultation event which is taking place on 27 February at Hunstanton Town Hall.

The drop-in event, which takes place between 3pm and 7pm, will give people an opportunity to find out more about about the proposals for development on Beach Terrace Road end of the Southend Road car park to provide 32 one-, two-, and three-bed flats. This development is detailed in Phase 1 of the Southern Seafront Masterplan and forms part of the long-term strategic plan for the area.

Representatives from the borough council, The Design Partnership (Ely) Ltd and the council's planning consultant will be on hand to discuss the proposals.

Cllr Peter Gidney, Cabinet Member for Project Delivery, said: "This development not only provides much needed housing, but also adds to our efforts to encourage town centre living which is known to improve a town's economy. We want to encourage year-round activity in Hunstanton and this supports that ambition. I would urge people to come along and have their say on the proposals, so that their feedback can be considered ahead of a planning application being submitted."

A separate consultation will take place earlier in the day for invited members of the town council, Coastal Communities Team and Civic Society.

The consultation will be open until 8 March 2020. Anyone unable to attend the consultation event can provide feedback online from the 27 February onwards by visiting west-norfolk.gov.uk/haveyoursay.

The feedback will then be considered and a planning application submitted this spring. Further opportunities to provide feedback will be available through the normal planning process.

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