Hannah’s fundraising efforts reach new high
- By Elaine Bird
- 19 January 2020
- Hunstanton
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Hannah's creativity turns old books into £2700 donation
Eleven-year-old Hannah Burton is no stranger to the news pages of Town and Around. She has been fundraising for Children with Cancer UK for several years and during 2019 she collected £2,690.03, beating her 2018 total of £2517.15.
Hannah is a Year 7 student at Smithdon High School and her creative talent has seen her make paper roses, hedgehogs and Christmas decorations most of which are crafted from old books.
On 14th January Hannah presented a cheque to Lady Romney, Norfolk Vice-Lord-Lieutenant who accepted it on behalf of the charity watched by Mayor of Hunstanton Cllr Tony Bishopp, Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Hunstanton Cllr and Mrs Winnington, Borough Mayor Cllr Geoff Hipperson and some of her school teachers.
One special guest was Hannah’s best friend from the town’s Union Church, 94-year-old Miriam Hodson and they are pictured below.
Hannah’s grandmother Monica Burton said: “Now she’s hoping to beat the 2019 total, she loves fundraising and is doing it on behalf of her cousins who have Neuroblastoma and Leukemia.
The family thanked the Honeystone pub for hosting the event and raising £1000 of the total and the Princess Theatre for their generous donation of £200.”
Photos: Ian Burt