Grand Unveiling of Third Searles Defibrillator
- By Elaine Bird
- 25 February 2019
- Hunstanton
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Sunday 24th February saw the official unveiling of the Searles Golf club Defibrillator, by Teresa Hills Lady Captain and Paul Searles Managing Director.
Teresa together with members of the club gained great support for the project with a sponsored 100-hole and a Texas Scramble competition, in just 8 weeks she was able to raise £1600 towards the externally mounted cabinet and defibrillator Teresa who has a holiday home at Searles Leisure Resort was given a lovely surprise on owners night when not only did Teresa and her husband Rob win a prize for best garden on site but Andrew Searle Operations Director announced that Searles would be donating £1000 to the fund making up the final total of £2600 raised.
Teresa Hills said, “I know that I have been the driving force behind this project but without all of our members and the golf staff’s behind the scenes work this would never have happened and for this I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart”. It is very important to have access to this vital piece of equipment 24 hours a day.
Searles Leisure Resorts Charity for this year is the British Heart Foundation. Paul Searle said “the company were very happy to donate £1000 towards this very worthwhile cause. We now have 3 defibrillators on site one at Searles reception, one at Heacham Manor Hotel reception and one that is accessible 24 hours a day at Searles Golf Club and Fountain bar. No one wants to think about having to use this machinery but if we have this defibrillator and it means that just one life could be saved it would be worth every penny.”
The cabinet is also supported by The Community Heartbeat Trust who have linked it directly to the 999 service. One call to 999 and they will talk any one in need of using the machine through the process step by step as does the machine itself.
Keeping active is a great way to keep healthy. England Golf have been working with the NHS, showing that golfs gentle exercise and the social aspect can really boost your health.
(Picture Left Teresa Hills & Right Paul Searle)