Gifts pour in to the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal

Gifts pour in to the Mayor’s Christmas Appeal
From left: Jan Roomes, Town Clerk, Mayor of Hunstanton Cllr Tony Bishopp, Chairman of Community Engagement Cllr Maureen Howard

The generosity of the people has been amazing with gifts arriving in to the Town Hall almost every day.

The Mayor Cllr Tony Bishopp said “I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the people both local, from surrounding villages and as far as Derbyshire who have given donations, the appeal has had an amazing response.

"Putting a smile on a little one’s face at Christmas is one of the best things a person could do and so I urge as many people as possible to get involved.

"The level of need this year is so much greater due to COVID-19 and if ever there was a time to help, 2020 is it.

"Many people are struggling due to a loss of income and a challenging job market. Your donation will help to make sure those in need have presents under the tree this Christmas.

"For the many vulnerable young people and families experiencing hardship, the giving and receiving of gifts will be an unaffordable luxury without our help."

Cllr Maureen Howard, Chairman of the Community Engagement working panel stated “Together we can make this Christmas a memorable one for so many in our community and thanks to your generous donations many will now receive a Christmas gift this year.

"Every child deserves to have a special Christmas and these gifts will make a huge difference to those who receive them.

"Any donation is welcome and we are now particularly looking for gifts of toiletries for both male & female and presents for babies, toddlers and teenagers.

"This Christmas, there’ll be even more families than usual finding it hard to afford gifts for the Christmas tree or stockings, so I ask people who can help to please do so.”

More than 350 gifts of new toys, clothes and toiletries have been kindly bought and donated over the last 2 weeks and will be shared to local charitable groups in the lead-up to Christmas.

The Mayor gave thanks also to those who have kindly donated to the Mayors Go Fund Me campaign with the current total received standing at £660 saying, “Thank you to you all for your generosity – you’ve been outstanding!”

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