GCSE results 2019: Smithdon High School

GCSE results 2019: Smithdon High School

Smithdon High School GCSE students had cause for celebration on Thursday 22nd August as the results of their hard work were revealed.

Despite headteacher Simon Wilson stating that the school are growing “from strength to strength”, fifty-eight percent of students achieved a grade 4 or above in Maths and English this year, down from a record sixty-seven percent the previous year.

Headteacher Simon Wilson said: “We are all tremendously proud of the Smithdon students this year.”

“There have been some fantastic individual results across the ability range with many planning to study A Levels at Springwood Sixth Form.”

“Outstanding results include Taylor Smith who achieved seven grade 9s and three grade 8s (and) Lucy Henry with five grade 9s, three grade 8s and two grade 7s. Aelfthryth Stewart achieved four grade 9s, one grade 8, two grade 7s and two grade 6s.”

“I would like to thank the staff for their dedication and the parents for their support in securing another successful year at Smithdon.”

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