£1000 donated to local Foodbank by Hunstanton Town Council

£1000 donated to local Foodbank by Hunstanton Town Council

In a message to the residents of Hunstanton, Mayor Tony Bishopp explains the measures the council is taking in the battle against coronavirus and expresses his thanks to those providing essential services

His message reads...

I would like to express my concern to each and every one of you during these unprecedented times that we are currently experiencing and hope that you are able to stay safe and well.

Please may I ask that we all follow the guidelines which have been set by the government and do our utmost to help one another during this crisis.

I would like to express my personal thanks to the many local businesses, volunteer groups and individuals who are offering local deliveries, pick-ups and even those risking their health by acting as carers checking on those who are self-isolating or elderly.

I am heartened by the response of you all to the crisis.

My sincere gratitude goes to all the hardworking staff in the NHS and all 999 emergency and essential services, the teachers, retained firemen, lifeboat & coastguard volunteers, postmen and refuse collectors and to those working hard in Supermarkets, for their continued service and support during these difficult times.

A special thanks to all those Hunstanton residents that showed their support for our valued NHS staff by standing at their front door and clapping at 8 pm.

Although Hunstanton Town Council has closed the office and the Tourist Information Centre to safeguard staff and members of the public, skeleton staff are going in to respond to messages. Should you require any advice, information or assistance urgently the Town Clerk can be contacted on 07484 837 098 or by email clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk

A new Facebook page has been opened giving advice and contact details of groups offering assistance Hunstanton Town Council Coronavirus Support Group.

I am also pleased to announce that Hunstanton Town Council has today given a donation of £1,000 to Hunstanton Foodbank who are desperate for food and finance as demand outstrips supply.

Finally, I ask you all to make a little time to ring, write, or text folk who are living on their own.

Where it is possible may I respectfully remind you all to please stay at home.

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