Foodbank to be boosted by project that sees art exchanged for donations

Foodbank to be boosted by project that sees art exchanged for donations

Art of Giving event returns to raise further food and funds for much-used King’s Lynn Foodbank ahead of busiest Winter yet

A collaborative event that shines the spotlight on some of the area’s artistic talent will return this month to help ease the strain on the increasingly busy King’s Lynn Foodbank.

The inaugural Art of Giving initiative raised more than £1,000 and saw several trolley loads of food also donated to The Trussell Trust service in St Margaret’s Lane. It was organised by Discover King’s Lynn, the town centre’s Business Improvement District (BID), and award-winning marketing agency Maze, based on the Tuesday Market Place.

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They are joining forces again on Wednesday November 29 to exchange pieces of locally-produced art in return for donations of money or food to support the service. The Foodbank is already spending £1,000 a week to top up supplies in order to meet demand that is likely to spike in December.

Charlie Roughton, a partner at Maze, said: “It was so heartwarming last year for the community and local businesses to come out in force and support the first event.

“We are looking forward to another enjoyable evening celebrating art and kindness at a time that can be difficult for so many, especially those struggling to eat. Some of the statistics are shocking and heartbreaking - anything you can provide will really make an impact and help an organisation that makes such a difference.”

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The Foodbank has already fed 20.4% more people in 2023 than it had at this point last year. During December 2022, 874 people used the charity to eat - a 91% increase on the previous festive period. Volunteers are expecting to serve around 1,000 individuals next month as the cost of living crisis and inflation continues to bite.

All donations will be gratefully received but items that are particularly needed include: festive food items (gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, trifle kits, alcohol-free mince pies and Christmas puddings), chocolate advent calendars, small bottles of squash or long-life juice, small packets of biscuits, tinned fruit, fish and meat.

Artwork available to take home on the night will include food-related prints created by designers at Maze, as well as pieces of work from local college students, designers and artists.

The Art of Giving, held at The Place in New Conduit Street, will run from 6-9pm. However, the venue will be accepting donations until Wednesday December 6.

For more information, or to find out how you can get involved, email

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