Family fossil fun

Family fossil fun
Picture credit: Ian Burt

Providing a morning of fun learning during the summer holidays was Hunstanton Civic Society in partnership with the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk’s Family Fossil Hunt on Monday 12th of August.

Taking place under the striped cliffs and on the rock beds on Hunstanton beach, one of the top geological sites in the UK, families strapped on their goggles and hammered away to try and uncover some hidden natural treasures.

Hunstanton Civic Society member Andrew Murray said: “The Hunstanton Civic Society has organised fossil hunts for families for the last ten years or so.”

“One year a family from Hertfordshire found an ammonite that was approximately three foot in diameter. These were sea creatures that existed one hundred million years ago.”

The children were delighted to find belemnites, bivalves and quartz glistening inside of rocks.

The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk donated twenty goggles and hammers for the event. Finds from previous years are on display at Hunstanton Heritage Centre located in the town centre.



Picture credit: Ian Burt

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