Dersingham flower arrangers deck the doors

Dersingham flower arrangers deck the doors

Yvonne Fuller's flower arranging class made a Christmas must-have decoration at Wednesday's session.

Blossom buddies meet every first and third Wednesday from 7-9pm at Dersingham Village Centre to learn the art of flower arranging from retired professional florist Yvonne Fuller.

The task for the early December class was to make a Christmas Wreath. During the preceding days lawns were raked for moss that is bound onto the wire frame, and gardens, hedgerows and woods scoured for pine cones and fallen branches - Storm Alwyn provided most of these!

The class arrived with bags full of greenery and decorations and set to work while Yvonne provided encouragement, tips and sparkly bits from her 'bling' box - a round of Sant-a-plause for the teacher!

By the skin of my wreath I finished the task just in time to take the photo (above) Yvonne is holding it (third from right). Every wreath was different but each was robust enough to withstand a few weeks of windy weather on front doors. 

    At this simply punderful time of year surely someone is singing 'All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Wreath" by now...

    The new term commences in February and the first class will  be a techniques session. Anyone who would like to join Yvonne's friendly bunch should telephone her on 07971 896 653.

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