Defibrillator installed at Hunstanton's Princess Theatre
- By Elaine Bird
- 06 October 2021
- Hunstanton
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A bucket collection and match funding secures life saving equipment at the Princess.
The team at the Princess Theatre in Hunstanton have been keen to get a defibrillator installed for some time and have been holding bucket collections after shows. The appeal for loose change (preferably folding) was made as usual at the end of a show and in the audience was Borough Leader Stuart Dark.
Stuart told Town and Around that his ears pricked up at this announcement so he asked Brian Hallard how much had been collected so far and learned that it was £800. "It seemed to me that the Borough Council could help out," said Stuart, "the Princess is open long hours with good lighting, and in a prominent position in the town; what you'd call a perfect position so we match funded and the new equipment has been installed."