Dead whale remains at Heacham
- By Elaine Bird
- 09 December 2019
- Heacham
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The whale, believed to be a minke, is still on Heacham north beach after being found on Sunday morning.
Hunstanton Coastguard were called to the scene yesterday at 11am where they gathered information and took pictures for the Natural History Museum.
However, despite initial plans to remove the whale this morning before high tide, its body still remains on the beach.
A bystander told us that he had arrived at the scene at 1am Monday morning to keep watch and that the body will likely be removed tomorrow (Tuesday).
Minke whales are the smallest of the fin whales but can measure up to 7.5 metres and weigh up to 10 tons.
Their population is estimated at 800,000 and their conservation status is of “least concern”.
We have made contact with the Le Strange Estate who have confirmed that ownership of that part of the beach was transferred to the local authority in the 1950s.