Couple’s combined 120 years of service recognised by Royal British Legion

Couple’s combined 120 years of service recognised by Royal British Legion
From Left: Vice-Chairman Hunstanton RBL Ralph Hamlet, Sid Miller, Prsident of RBL Hunstanton Anthony Jewell, Betty Miller, Chairman Hunstanton RBL Simon Matthews. Photo T&A

A Hunstanton woman who has been selling poppies for 70 years has been recognised for her service by the Royal British Legion along with her husband who has completed 50 years.

In the run-up to this year’s Poppy Appeal, Chairman of the Hunstanton branch of the Royal British Legion, Simon Matthews, was chatting to Betty Miller and her husband Sid and he learned that Betty had been selling poppies since she was eleven years old. He also found out that Sid had joined Betty in this endeavour and he had reached the 50 year milestone.

Unbeknown to the couple Simon contacted the head office of the Royal British Legion with this news and arranged for their amazing service to be recognised.

Keeping the secret until after the High Street Act of Remembrance on Thursday 11th November was a challenge Simon admitted: “I was sure someone would let the cat out of the bag” he said, “but no-one said a word and our presentation remained a complete surprise to them both.”

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Act of Remembrance on 11th November in Hunstanton High Street. Photo Ian Burt

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Fr James Monro conducted the service. Photo Ian Burt

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Fiona Whitham from Hunstanton Concert Band. Photo Ian Burt

Repairing to the Conservative Club after the ceremony in the High Street conducted by Fr James Monro, certificates and medals were presented by Hunstanton’s Mayor Cllr Adrian Winnington to an overwhelmed Mr and Mrs Miller.

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The Mayor presents the medal to Betty. Photo T&A

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Then it is Sid's turn. Photo T&A

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Simon Matthews tells Sid and Betty's story. Photo T&A

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Betty and Sid were proud to wear their medals on Remembrance Sunday at the War Memorial. Photo T&A

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