Consultation on Neighbourhood Plan for Snettisham
- By Elaine Bird
- 04 May 2018
- Snettisham
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Snettisham Parish Council has submitted a proposed neighbourhood plan for Snettisham to the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk. It is intended to help shape development in the parish. It would be used by the borough council alongside its own plans, to inform decisions on planning applications in the parish.
The plan has been prepared independently by the parish council, with the borough council providing advice and assistance.
The proposed plan will now go through a process which includes independent examination to see if it complies with national requirements, and a local referendum to see if it is supported by the majority of local residents. If successful this plan will become part of the official ‘development plan’, alongside the borough’s Local Plan.
There is now a six-week consultation during which anyone may make comments on the plan to help inform the decisions on it. The consultation will begin on Tuesday 8 May 2018.
The proposed neighbourhood plan will be available to view on the borough council’s website, and at its King’s Lynn office. It will also be available to view at:
Snettisham Parish Council Office
73 Lynn Road
King's Lynn PE31 7QA
Open to the public from 10am-noon on Mondays and Thursdays
Anyone wishing to comment on the plan must do so in writing by 5pm on Friday 22 June 2018.
Comments can be submitted:
• Online, go to and click on current consultations.
• By email, to
• By post, to Planning Policy Team, Borough Council of KIng's Lynn & West Norfolk, King’s Court, Chapel Lane, King’s Lynn, PE30 1EX.
For further information, please call 01553 616200.