Concept maps reveal scale of proposed developments
- By Elaine Bird
- 19 February 2020
- Hunstanton
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Two concept maps on the West Norfolk council’s website has revealed the true extent of the developments proposed on the Southend and South Prom car parks in Hunstanton.
Concept 1 reveals a number of proposed residential buildings and landscaping on the current car parks with a small car park allocated toward the north end – though it is unclear if this will be a public or private car park for residents.
The smaller car park of 60 spaces is a substantial reduction from the 495 spaces currently at Southend car park.
Picture: Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Concept 2 allows for slightly more car parking and a repositioned leisure centre and a number of residential and commercial/residential properties built on the car park. There is also a proposed hotel on the site of the current Oasis leisure centre.
The South Prom car park would also be transformed into a 'landscaped events space'.
Picture: Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Town and Around exclusively revealed this month that the council received over £300,000 in parking revenue from the Southend car park last year. You can read the article in full here.
The council are hosting a drop-in event on 27 February at Hunstanton Town Hall between 3pm and 7pm to give residents and interested parties further information about proposals for the extra housing.
The consultation will be open until 8 March 2020. Anyone unable to attend the consultation event can provide feedback online from the 27 February onwards by visiting
The feedback will then be considered and a planning application submitted this spring. Further opportunities to provide feedback will be available through the normal planning process.