Change of command at USAF 67th: John Maiden

Change of command at USAF 67th: John Maiden
Picture credit John Bridger

On August 16th Lieutenant Colonel Martin W Weeks III handed over command of the USAF 67th Special Operations Squadron to Lieutenant Colonel William J Kelly V. He is pictured here with his wife, Lieutenant Colonel Brooke (Davis) Kelly, flanked by Civic Society Chairman John Maiden and Hunstanton Town Mayor Amanda Bosworth.

Due to the fact that the 67th Special Operations Squadron is Twinned with Hunstanton, a total of 15 guests, representing Hunstanton & District Civic Society and/or the Town Council, attended the Change of Command Ceremony, travelling down to RAF Mildenhall in a minibus generously loaned by Glebe House School.


Picture credit: Tony Gray

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