At risk building to receive a hug!
- By Elaine Bird
- 02 April 2024
- West Norfolk
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For many months, the Friends of St Andrew’s Church, Little Massingham, Norfolk and Quilts 4 Care Leavers have been working on a huge patchwork quilt project.
The quilts will bring comfort to teenagers leaving the care system and at the same time help to restore a Grade I listed church on the at-risk register.
The patchwork quilt tops will be exhibited at Little Massingham Church from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th May, and then, on Monday 13th May, over 50 of the quilt tops will be wrapped around the church to give it one ENORMOUS hug!
This event is the culmination of months of work by quilt makers throughout the UK, from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to Norfolk and North Yorkshire to Hampshire and every county in between. The quilt makers are incredibly kind and gifted people who have come to the rescue of the Grade 1 Listed church, currently on the Heritage England Buildings at Risk Register, the lead from the church roof having been stolen by thieves.
The quilters loved the idea that their quilts (known as Hugs) could, by drawing attention to its plight, help this ancient building, but they were equally delighted to know that, afterwards, the finished quilts would be given to many of the young people who leave the care system every year, providing comfort and warmth.
The exhibition and Giant Hug event are free but any donations, however small, will help the “Friends” raise funds for the essential, and desperately urgent, repairs to the church roof. Donations can be made at the exhibition, the Giant Hug event or via the website. Please do what you can to help save this beautiful little church.
The Exhibition is open from …
Friday 10th May between 10.45 am - 4.00 pm
Saturday 11th May between 10.45 am - 4.00 pm
Sunday 12th May between 1.00 pm - 4.30 pm
Monday 13th May is Let’s Give a Giant Hug Day when over 50 patchwork quilt tops will encircle the church, giving it a huge, reassuring, and much needed Hug! The Press and public are invited to arrive before or by 10.30 am. The giant Hug is taking place at 11.00 am.
The 19th to 20th July sees Quilts 4 Care Leavers return the quilts to Little Massingham once more having added the backing, wadding and topstitching to the quilts. After they have been seen by the public for the last time, the completed, now quilted, Hugs will be handed over to local authorities to distribute to care leavers.
For information on how the public can donate and help restore the ancient and historically important church, please see the website.