Application submitted for almost 70 new houses in Snettisham
- By Elaine Bird
- 20 February 2020
- Snettisham
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The vacant plot of land just north of Poppyfields Drive in Snettisham may soon be home to 69 new houses if a new application is approved.
The application, submitted to West Norfolk council for their approval, details “the erection of up to 69 homes, including 30% affordable dwellings, together with the creation of a new priority junction (with all matters reserved except for access), provision of public open space and associated infrastructure.”
If permitted, there will be 48 houses ranging from 2-bed bungalows to 4-bed houses, 14 ‘affordable houses’ and 7 discount to market properties.

Pictured: A planning map has been published on the West Norfolk council website. Credit: Parc Design Solutions
A discount market sale is a low-cost home ownership scheme where you can buy a property at a discounted price from a local council participating in the scheme in collaboration with developers.
This discount is typically around 20% – but can be as high as 50% – however a restriction is placed on the property’s Land Registry Title to ensure that the property remains at that discounted rate for future purchases.
A comment supporting the application details the local need for affordable housing, that it is in line with the neighbourhood plan and that the application gifts land to Snettisham Parish Council to protect the green space.
What do you think of the application for more houses in Snettisham? Email me your thoughts at