Anglia in Bloom judging gets underway in Hunstanton
- By Elaine Bird
- 24 July 2019
- Hunstanton
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Judging for the Anglia in Bloom competition was in full swing on Friday 19th July as the judges came to Hunstanton to view the floral displays throughout the town.
Wishing to emulate their success from last year when Hunstanton won Gold in Anglia in Bloom and Gold Coastal Winner in Britain in Bloom, the Esplanade Gardens and beyond have been adorned with stunning garden displays for locals and visitors to admire.
Themes for this years competition are community participation and environmental responsibility, beautifully demonstrated by local artist Kate Dunbar’s peace poles project. The peace poles celebrate the centenary of the end of WWI and were painted by children and adults from the community.
Kate said: “Thank you to everyone who contributed. We had loads of fun and I think people will be really chuffed to see how their work has turned out. Most of the wood had been up cycled out of skips and from local builders. The birds are made by my dearly beloved from up cycled wood and plastic.”
“Another wonderful art project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and organised by the Borough Council. Thank you! The birds are spinning beautifully on top of their poles and will be all summer long.”
Kate, with the help of local children, also created a stunning plastic bottle sculpture which was partially sponsored by Ridgeons and is located next to the Hunstanton Pier Family Entertainment Centre. The sculpture exemplifies the pertinent issue of single-use plastics polluting the earth and Hunstanton’s move toward being a ‘refill’ town, where soon businesses that display a sign indicating they are part of the refill initiative will fill up water bottles for free.
Both King’s Lynn and Hunstanton are taking part in Britain in Bloom this year, with Hunstanton being entered for the Anglia region (Coastal) and King's Lynn entered in the Business Improvement District category.
The results of the competition are expected to be released in September.
Pictured: The Esplanade Gardens. Credit: Ian Burt.
Pictured: Kate Dunbar with her plastic bottle sculpture. Credit: Ian Burt.