Ambitious net zero carbon target proposed for Norfolk

Ambitious net zero carbon target proposed for Norfolk

An ambitious date of 2030 for Norfolk to achieve net zero carbon emissions has been proposed as part of a new and far-reaching environment policy for the county council.

A cross party group was set up in May 2019 to look closely at the key issues and actions needed to help the county council understand and address its environmental impacts from the buildings the authority uses, the way people travel, and how the land owned by the council is used.

Over recent months the four-member working group heard from representatives of a range of organisations including Extinction Rebellion, the Broads Authority, the UEA and the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership. A set of proposals are now available for members of the Infrastructure and Development Select Committee to discuss at their meeting on Wednesday, 13 November. If agreed, the policy would then be considered for adoption by Full Council on 25 November.

Cllr Barry Stone, Chair of Infrastructure and Development Select Committee, said: “We are living with climate change and I’m keen to see the authority on the right track to reducing the environmental impact of the essential services we run. We need to focus on the things we have influence over to ensure improvements are within our gift. I believe the ambitious 2030 net zero carbon emission target is the right way to go and would set us on a course well ahead of the government’s 2050 target.”

Cllr Andy Grant, Norfolk County Council Cabinet Member for Environment & Waste, said: “This paper is a first, but important step. We want to take action as the need for us all to reduce our impact on the planet is not in doubt. I look forward to the county council working alongside partners across the county to bring about positive change.

“If the policy is adopted we would then take steps to do detailed work to identify actions on the ground to help reduce our environmental impact.”

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