A safe summer of fun is being organised in readiness for stage 4
- By Elaine Bird
- 30 June 2021
- King’s Lynn
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Events in King's Lynn could be back in the diary this summer if the Government continues to progress its roadmap.
Plans are already coming together for events organised by the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk and partners, including the Hanseatic Festival of Watersports, Folk in the Town, the Mini Meet, Mods and Rockers, the Classic Car Day, and GEAR.
Cllr Graham Middleton, Deputy leader of Borough Council of King's Lynn Norfolk and Cabinet Member for Business Development, explained: "The town centre in King's Lynn has really suffered through the pandemic. Along with some physical improvement works in the High Street which should complete in the next few weeks, we want to put in place a programme of activities that will encourage families to come into town, to support their local retailers and hospitality businesses.
"We have a few events already pencilled in, but can't really confirm anything until we know for certain that things will open up on 19 July. We do need to be ready to go if that happens, so we are getting the stage ready and tentatively making arrangements. We hope that the events can go ahead as we understand how important it is for people to come together to socialise, to spend time with friends and to enjoy some to the activities they enjoyed pre-Covid."
The council is also asking any local businesses who provide food and drink to get in touch, as each event will be supported with various catering concessions. This could be people who are already trading in town and could extend their offering to the Tuesday Market Place, or existing mobile providers, that will complement the event.
Cllr Middleton added: "We want to add to the variety available and ensure that the town feels attractive and vibrant. In this way we hope that visitors who may have only come for the event, will want to return again and again to enjoy what the town has to offer."
Anyone wishing to provide a concession should email events@west-norfolk.gov.uk to register their interest, provide available weekend dates, and send a summary and images of what they offer. Traders should make sure they use the same name as their food hygiene registration.
More details of all events and activities will be published once there is confirmation from the Government that we are moving into step four.